Costa Rican Plantain Buñuelos

You can find this recipet at El Restaurante

Recipe courtesy of National Honey Board (

Makes 6 servings

2 large plantains

2 tablespoons water

1-1/2 cups queso fresco, crumbled

1/4 cup guayaba paste, cut into 1/2-inch squares

1/2 cup pure honey

Frying oil, enough to fill 1/3 of frying pan

Peel and cut the plantains in half. Cook plantains for 30-40 minutes, or until plantains are soft enough to puree. Add plantains and water into blender or food processor. Puree plantains to a ‘mashed potato’ consistency (be careful not to over-blend).

Take 3 to 4 tablespoons (depending size preference) of the mixture, 1/2 tablespoon cheese, and a square of the paste to create small ‘buñuelos’ (balls). Make enough buñuelos to use all of the plantain mixture and set aside. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Slowly place buñuelos on the frying pan (make sure to have room to cook evenly). Fry the buñuelos until golden brown and set aside on a shallow serving dish. When finished frying all buñuelos, pour honey over buñuelos. Serve warm.


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